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Rooster Tree BKK
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Golden Flesh Purple Skin Prune Plums from Shaanxi, Chinese
Rooster Tree BKK
KHR 32,000.00
USD 8.00
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The Italian Prune plum is large oblong-shaped variety, often exhibiting a powdery white bloom on its otherwise purplish-blue skin. The thin snappy skin encases a firm yet juicy flesh that holds a central pit that is easily removed. When raw, the pulp is a greenish amber color, but turns a deep shade of fuchsia when cooked. The dense texture of the Italian Prune plum is full of rich, complex and appropriately confectionary sweet flavors that deepen as the fruit ripens.
Italian Prune Plums, also sometimes known as Empress plums, are a European variety botanically classified as Prunus domestica. They are freestone plum that, as the name suggests, are most readily grown for prune production. Their ability to create a high concentration of fermentable sugars not only makes them the ideal candidate for drying, but also for making preserves, wine and brandy.
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