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Mad Momos Beer Deck
Breibart Andrew
Mad Momos Beer Deck
Come and watch us make our momos!
Mad Momo's Beer Deck gives you a view our kitchen where we prepare all our momo dumplings for dine-in and take out by hand. We use only the freshest ingredients and can have your orders in under 30 minutes.
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Mad Momos Beer Deck
Our latest momos and dumplings!
Come and enjoy our latest dumplings, now available for takeout and delivery. We have an assortment of dishes plus beers- all available within this main Siem Reap area.
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Mad Momos Beer Deck
Mad Momo's best-selling dumplings
Our most popular dumplings are now available for delivery anywhere within the Siem Reap capital area. We also deliver ice-cold beer.
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